
Goal: To actively pursue the reunification of brothers initiated into Gama Psi Chapter with an emphasis on each line since the chartering of the chapter in 1948 for the purpose of fostering the fraternity’s objectives; and ensuring the success of undergraduate campus brothers; as well as maintaining the lasting fraternal relationships amongst alumni brothers – that can serve as an effective model for undergraduate campus brothers.

Objective(s): Toaccurately locate, bring together, and retain brothers of Gamma Psi Chapter from March 15, 1948 to current – with the goal of an average of at least two brothers from each initiated line so as to deliver over 200 brothers – counting through 2020 – accounting for 72 years and beyond.

Timing: 3 years – 2020 to 2023

  • Responsibility: Andrew Toppin (Fall 1983); Bro. Wilbert Jones (Fall 1984) 
  • Tactical Measure(s)/ Actionable Step(s) 
  • Gamma Psi Lineage Initiative
    Complete a lineage project supported by the chapter history, national records as well as ad-hoc information to establish a full, useful, current, and active database 

Responsibility: Bro. Keith Taylor (Fall 1985); Bro. Jay Sutton