Celebrating Gamma Psi @75 years

The Executive Committee of The St Augustine’s Alumni Alphas (S3A) are pleased to announce the Drive for $225kCampaign to coincide with and commemorate the 75th Anniversary of our beloved Gamma Psi Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Incorporated. The goal of this drive is to raise at least $225,000 during the next three years ending with the Chapters 75th Anniversary on March 15, 2023.

Gamma Psi was founded March 15, 1948 on the campus of St Augustine’s College.  The Charter Members: Brothers John Williams, Andrew Humphrey, William Le Flore, Walker Le Flore, George Barzey, Ben Stevenson, Henry Goodson, Arthur Fox, Furness Armstead, William Padgett, Edgar Harris, and Henry Hillfounded the chapter to continue the work of the Fraternity and create a stand-alone Chapter at St. Aug after being part of the Beta Rho Chapter at Shaw University since 1936.

With your support we are planning honor the legacy of the Charter Brothers and continue the tradition of Alpha Men working to ensure that “First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transend All”by donating the $225,000 to the University, through the National Alumni Association, to support various scholarships and projects for the betterment of the University.

This ambitious project will only be successful with the unwavering support of ALL Gamma Psi initiated Brothers.  We ask that everyone that can, support this drive by pledging to donate at any level that you can.

Charter Member Level: $1,948 and above

Jewel Level: $1,100 – $1,948

Black Level: $500 – $1,099

Old Gold Level: $1 – $500

This drive along with the Drive for $75 under the leadership of Brother Boyd Joye (G. Psi Fall 80) and the University’s Office of Alumni Affairs will mean the Brothers of the Notorious Gamma Psi Chapter will have raised at least $300,000 to support our Alma Mater.  The Drive for $225k will be restricted funds that the S3A Brothers can dictate their usage and the Drive for $75 will be unrestricted funds the University can use at their discretion.

In the words of our founding Jewel Robert Harold Ogle spoken in 1931at the 25th Anniversary Convention in Cincinnati“Alpha Phi Alpha undoubtedly faces the most challenging test in its history. It is of vital importance that we seriously consider the contribution of every brother may make for the good of our fraternity”.

Please contribute to our cause.