Affiliation and Support – Undergraduate Chapter & College Brothers

Goal: To continue to build and further the purpose of the fraternity in collaboration with undergraduate campus brothers; in keeping with approved undergraduate initiatives and programs.

 Objective(s): To deliver on a minimum $5000.00 campaign – annually through financial contributions spearheaded by alumni brothers to assist the undergraduate campus brothers in chosen and approved initiatives and programs. 

Timing: 3 years – 2020 to 2023

  • Responsibility: Bro. Jay Sutton; Bro. Darius Hite 
  • Tactical Measure(s) / Actionable Step(s) 
  • Annual General Meeting – AGM
    Implement and establish a date for a yearly gathering to hold an Annual General Meeting to present an annual report of the organization’s performance and strategy; and to promote fellowship and brotherhood. Timing / dates to be implemented and established isSpring – March – Chapter Anniversary Month 
  • Responsibility: Bro. Eric Gilbert (Fall 1985) and Bro. Dennis English